Well, I'm finally a grandma! I am officially 'Mamee'. Thane Michael DeLaune, Jr. was born at 9:03 p.m. 11/11/09 (Veteran's Day). He weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. and was 19 inches long.
He is beautiful and so far pretty good. Here are some pictures.
Yesterday, I finally went to the orthopedic doctor. He confirmed what I already figured out, that I have 'trigger finger'. I told him I am convinced it's caused from the Femara. He wasn't too sure at first but I told him about other people on different breast cancer forums who take Femara (or other arimatose inhibitors (sp?) and some of them have the same problem. So, he put it in his notes and hopefully, this will help someone else.
He gave me an injection (cortisone) and said to wait about a month to see if it has helped any. If not, he may perform a minor surgery.
My daughter who works at Brown-Rogers Physical Therapy, thinks I should go in to get a splint and that would help enough so that I wouldn't need surgery. I think everybody here just thinks that I enjoy surgeries!.....
If I hadn't had the stupid cancer, I wouldn't have needed the mastectomy and reconstruction surgery and I wouldn't have needed the hysterectomy and I would not have gotten this crappy trigger finger!!!!
Oh, by the way, the good news is oldest daughter might be going into the hospital to have the baby tomorrow!!!!! That makes everything GREAT no matter what cancer tries to do.
Well, I have survived my double mastectomy with reconstruction and my hysterectomy. I am finally beginning to think that things will be normal again. I am not spending all my time looking up everything possible about breast and ovarian cancer. Instead, I'm probably spending too much time on Facebook. I shouldn't have started playing Farmville; that led to the Cafe game which led to Yoville. I need to get away from those.
I am getting more excited about the baby and Catherine's wedding. We have scheduled to meet with the flower people and a photographer this week. I need to look for a dress (oh boy!). That should be interesting.
Theresa is still hanging in there. Her husband is still in Africa; he was supposed to be home on Saturday but someone was delayed in getting his updated visa and passport to him so he should be home Wed. or Thurs. She's pretty upset but okay. I can't wait until he gets home.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Theresa at her baby shower. It was a lot of fun but a lot of work. I'm trying not to eat the left overs but there are pralines, cupcakes, little sandwiches, etc.
Another hole in the yard - Maggie was in it this morning. I guess it has something to do with the cooler weather - the dirt must feel cooler to her. I've got to do something before the baby can walk - I don't want him stepping into a hole and breaking a leg!
I decided to try and make Theresa's corsage for her baby shower. I made it with baby socks and some silk roses. I just hope it stays together til the shower is over.
Okay, this is my first quilt and I hope nobody ever looks at it too closely. I am not a perfectionist and unfortunately, it shows. I really don't think that the baby will mind. We'll use it when we need to put him on the floor or sleeping on the couch or whatever.
Theresa and Thane are having a boy! Her due date is November 7. They don't have a name picked out yet but maybe Thane Jr.?? We are very excited!!
I'll have to start looking for some baby clothes and start crocheting a little boy afghan. We also need to get a car seat and high chair for when they visit.
The dogs really had a good time cooling off in the pool. We had some hamburgers and sausage on the bbq pit with all the kids (and animals). It was fun but I was tired. Still couldn't sleep that well but took a nap today. Will see the plastic surgeon on Monday and ask him when chest pains will subside. I guess nerve endings are trying to 'come back to life'??
Started Femara two days ago. Hopefully there will be no side effects from it. There are some people who have joint aches and some with thinning hair - don't want those. I can deal with the hot flashes (I think). I will be cutting back on the sleeping pills (Restoril) and start taking some calcium supplements which I probably should have been doing anyway.
Joined Facebook earlier this week. One friend so far (my brother). Kids aren't sure they want me as a friend. I'll see how that goes.
Getting ready to take Matthew to Best Buy and then to Borders and maybe to Menchies for frozen yogurt - it's at the new mall (outside) and is sooooo good! I want to get a book at Borders called Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe. It's supposed to be good - I'll let you know. Still reading The Bourne Sanction (it's pretty good).
We are presenting the J.E. Dupont Scholarship today at St. John School today. It's a scholarship going to an 8th grade student for free tuition for their freshman year at St. John. We try to pick a student who has a good gpa and is active in the church, school and community.
If anyone is interested in donating to this scholarship, please visit the St. John School website at www.stjohnschool.org
Theresa has graduated from Nicholls! We had a great time at graduation and afterwards at her house where Thane barbequed hamburgers and hot dogs and Theresa had made wonderful pasta salad, potato salad, cookies and also put the hamburgers together before Thane bbq-ed them. We all had a good time.
Matthew has graduated from St. John High in Plaquemine, LA. He's planning on attending Nicholls State Univ. in Thibodaux. This is a picture of Matthew and sister Theresa.
We had really good chicken today. I saved the bbq sauce from some frozen meatballs that I cooked for spaghetti last night and used it for the chicken. I baked it for about an hour and a half. We had rolls with real butter - something I hadn't bought ever. We always use margarine. I'm waiting for my husband to get back from Manresa (a silent retreat for Catholic men) and I'm trying to figure out this blog. I will post more pictures - I guess.
My dog Maggie. She's part Border Collie and I don't know what else. In this picture, she's asking me to please take her outside.
This is the first entry and I'm not sure where this will go but I'll give it a try. I guess I'll post some pictures and try to make this an interesting place to visit. Or maybe not. We'll see where it leads.